First things

This week I spent both nursery days in the lab; I'm not sure how much help I was because haven't been on the project for most of it, but it was good to be back.

Because of this ThesisBaby had a extended time in nursery and something came up which I never considered before- I'm going to miss some of her 'firsts'.

The weather has been unseasonable warm and nice, so the babies and tiny humans had outdoor water play (the nursery is split into 0-2's who mostly stay in and have outdoor play times, and the 2+'s who are allowed out whenever), which mean I missed TB's first time outside playing in the grass.

It's the first 'first' I missed and I feel pretty.... I'm not really sure, but not good anyway. To make up for yesterday we went outside today and TB rolled around and tried to eat grass, while  I managed to re-read the same paragraph 3 or 4 times before giving up to go and rescue her from a dandylion. So we had our first, but it's not her first first. It feels odd. I hope she saves walking and talking for when she is at home.

Overall, I guess I'm mostly glad she goes and has adventures, even if it means I miss some of them. I just hope the nursery has a good (dandy)lion-tamer!

Baby, blue sky and grass- bliss :)


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