Guest writer: KiwiMum flies to the rescue when traveling with babies Part 1

So far my longest solo adventure with ThesisBaby has been a 1.5hour train trip to grandma's, during which I accidentally sent my winter coat, the week before it snowed, to the other end of the country. Whoops. However I do know a very seasoned travel baby, and his mum has agreed to share her wisdom here in a series of guest posts.

The thought of flying with young children is enough to give most people nightmares- the screaming, cranky, inconsolable baby and frazzled parents stuck on an aluminium tube for hours while all the non-parents passing judgement and make disparaging or snarky comments..... But it doesn’t have to be like that, and as FlyingKiwi has just taken his 31st flight in 11 months I thought I would share some hints and tips to help flying with your wee one a bit easier and less stressful

FlyingKiwi was only 3 weeks old when he took his first flight. Fresh from a traumatic emergency C-Section and trying to work out where the manual was to run this tiny human, our family was plunged into choas when we found out KiwiDad’s father was out of remission and had a very aggressive form of cancer. So we through everything baby related into a bag, and hauled-ass down to The South Island to visit.

Top Tip: If you don’t have to fly 3 weeks postpartum: Don’t. Shuffling through the airport hoping not to pop a stitch was not fun. If you do need to travel, get the all clear from your maternity carer and take both your’s and baby’s medical notes with you. I’ll talk about flying with Baby basics later in this blog.

In this series I will tell you some if the products and techniques I use to make life easier while travelling, including Baby Basics, short haul flying, long haul flying, what to do when everything turns to poo (literally as well a figuratively) and flying as a solo parent. All the products mentioned are ones I personally use, and own. I have no relationship or sponsorship with any company, and no affiliated links (however- If you want me to review your company's product get it touch!!!)

I hope you find my subussions helpful, and that together we can make flying with your baby and fun (ish) experience. 



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