Thesis Baby!
Doing a PhD- you must be mad! Having a baby- slightly mad. Doing both together- totally bonkers! ThesisBaby turned up in September 2017, 16 months into my PhD, and after 6 months of maternity leave I'm due to head back into the frey next week. Surfing the net I thought I'd come across other PhD parents who could share their words of wisdom and experiences, maybe some comforting words reassuring me that my husband I aren't totally mad to start a family and be postgrad.... but I didn't really find what I was looking for because everything I found was negative. Yikes. So I decided to start my own blog about my journey through a PhD with a baby. Hopefully I can write about the positive sides of studying with a child, as well as sharing some of the challenges and adventures we have along the way. If you are a PhD parent with your own thesis baby reading this- go you- you got this! Our journeys might not be the same, but I believe in you, and it will be tota...